Where Do You Feel Most At Home?

For Mash-Ups who speak multiple languages, span multiple cultures, and have family stretching across multiple continents, the concept of “home” is a curious thing. What gives us a sense of belonging and comfort? What does home feel like? Is home a place, or a taste? Is it a person, or an idea? Hint: All of the above.
Where do you feel most at home? Here, we’ll start.
Amy, Korean-American
Honolulu. Everybody is Asian, everybody speaks English, and everybody looks like me, my husband and my kid. And no matter where you’re from, if you’re local, you’re local.
Rebecca, Salvadoran-Jewish-American
LA, New York, Sao Paolo, and anywhere my grandmas are. Basically, big cities with warm people and people speaking many languages. Oh and any country where they serve everything with limes or lemons. Those are my people.
Maria Hinojosa, Mexican-American
When I’m at home, in my bed, with my family nearby, and nowhere near a plane, train, or automobile.
Ashok Kondabolu, Indian-American
In my apartment in Brooklyn, and then my grandmother’s house in South India, and then my parents’ house in Queens, in that order.
Joanne Lee, Korean-American
Wherever my family is. Wherever my brother and my cousins and my parents are is where I feel most at home. So whether that’s in Alaska, Chicago or Hawaii, it doesn’t matter.
Jessica Alpert Silber, Salvadoran-Jewish-American
Where I feel most comfortable is in my parents’ living room in Houston, Texas.
Mira Jacob, Indian-American
Brooklyn. It’s where I found — god, I can’t believe I’m saying this — my creative community.
Sharda Sekaran, Black-Indian-Baptist-Hindu-American
I feel most at home, strangely, when I’m traveling. I think there’s something about being mixed or different that makes every place feel a kind of like home but also different. When you’re in your own home, you’re always, for me at least, trying to reconcile feelings of isolation or being different. Somehow traveling feels normal for me because it’s expected that you’re in a different place and you’re allowed to be yourself with less expectations about who you’re supposed to be.
PT Black, Episcopalian-Jewish-Welsh-American
I feel most at home at either a lobster restaurant in New England with a bunch of Cantonese people, who really know how to eat seafood, or at a Chinese restaurant in Shanghai with a group of Orthodox Jews.
Mark Gardner, Black-American
I feel most at home in the kitchen preparing a meal and on the couch in front of the TV watching an old movie.
Nikki Chung, Taiwanese-Chinese-American
In my pajamas on any couch.
Heidi Durrow, Black-Danish-American
I think I feel most at home wherever I have my creature comforts, so that could be anywhere. I just need coffee with the bendy straw, my Moleskine, a good pen and ink, wine and radishes, books and people I love. And my favorite stuffed animal.
Anna Holmes, Black-White-American
In a car, on a roadtrip, in California, with the windows down.
Roben Farzad, Iranian-Jewish-American
Holding my children. Smelling their hair.
Cindy Hwang, Korean-American
At my parents house, but it’s not that I grew up in this one, but I think it has to do with food. So wherever my mom is cooking, is where I feel most at home.