Our Top 3 Mash-Up Parenting Guides

Let’s face it, none of us knows what the hell we’re doing with our kids. We want to raise kind, confident, happy, disciplined, generous, curious souls who will make the world a better place and happily take care of us in our old age, right? And we also want them to be multilingual and interfaith and embrace diversity and be wholly American while also deeply rooted in their traditions. Right? Easy!
Well, maybe not so easy. But here’s a start. Here are our top 3 Mash-Up Parenting Guides. And tell us: What would you like us to explore next?
10 Tips for Raising Bilingual Kids

Spanglish will always be our best language. But nothing makes us feel guiltier than the loss of our family’s languages, especially as we parent the next generation of Mash-Up Americans and choose, inadvertently or intentionally, what part of our cultural heritage we pass on to them. Gong Ke Gouldstone, a Shanghai-born Chinese-American Mash-Up and her husband, Chris, understand the struggle. Here, they share their tips on raising bilingual children.
7 Mash-Up Parenting Favorites: Media Edition

We’ve all heard about how powerful media can be in influencing how we view ourselves, our identity, and our place in the wider world. At Mash-Up HQ, we believe it’s as important for majority kids to see diversity reflected in media as it is for minority kids to see themselves reflected in media. Here are a few of our community’s favorite sources for helping them reflect a Mash-Up world to their mashlets.
10 Tips for A Successful Transracial Adoption

Nishta Mehra shares her hard-won wisdom on how to navigate the world of transracial adoption as a queer Indian-American woman in a mash-up marriage. We have a lot to learn.
And now, just for funsies, and to maybe make us feel better about our own parenting tactics, let’s look at how far we’ve come. Here for you is one of our all-time favorite Mash-Up pieces.
What Dating Advice Did You Get from Your Immigrant Parents?

This sage advice ranges from supernatural to a little bit racist, and shockingly, we generally followed their rules. Well, we guess it didn’t turn out so bad.