Diana Dávila’s Chicago Faves

Chef Diana Dávila, owner of Mi Tocaya Antojeria in Chicago, is a native Chicagoan with a deep love of food and a deep expertise in all things delicious. Which makes her our perfect Mash-Up Tour Guide. Here are her favorite places in Chicago for those most important moments of a Mash-Up’s life.
CHICAGO: We have a treat for you! You can hear Amy and Rebecca live in conversation with Diana at our live show at The Sleeping Village on March 29. Get your tickets here!
Best Place To Go For A Third Date
I’ve been married for 11 years so it’s been a while since I’ve been on a third date! However, for a romantic night I really like Smyth it’s super refined, polished, creative, thought provoking-the list goes on and on-it’s exceptional.

Best Place To Go To Impress Your Parents
My parents have owned and operated restaurants previously but they’re always impressed by Owen & Engine. Mostly because they make everything in house, the food is consistently delicious and the atmosphere is great.

Best Place To Go To Treat A Hangover
Typically at home (I have 2 kids!) but I like Longman & Eagle — it’s dark, the food is great all the time and it’s real food.

Best Place To Go To Have Someone Else Order For You
Dancen, which is a Korean restaurant. It’s definitely easier to eat there with someone to help with navigating the menu.

Best Place To Go When You’re Broke
Rico Fresh Cafe. They make these delicious homestyle Mexican guisados that you can tell take a while to make. When I eat them it feels like home and you don’t have to make a mess in your kitchen =)