Podcast Ep 23: Mash-Up Olympics Edition

Olá Brasil! Mash-Up Olympics Edition
It’s Olympics time, and at Mash-Up HQ that always means a little tug-of-war. Who do we root for? Team USA all the way, but other countries ALSO have our allegiance. This episode features our very first Olympian, Phillip Chew, Thai-Chinese-American Mash-Up and star of the very mashy all Asian American Olympic badminton team; and Matt Ufford, editor at large for SB Nation and total mensch.
Meet Our Mash-Up Olympian, Phillip Chew:

Phillip Chew On Badminton In His Blood:
My parents met playing badminton at a local high school. And my grandparents played together, mixed doubles. My grandfather almost made the national team in Thailand.
And Our Sports Expert, Matt Ufford:

Matt Ufford On Why The Olympics Inspires Us:
There’s a dream that it could have been us. Like if we close our eyes, we can imagine ourselves as an Olympian. There’s so much in sports where everybody is fulfilling their dreams by watching the athletes themselves.
Don’t forget to dance!
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This podcast is produced by American Public Media and Southern California Public Radio, KPCC. It is supported in part by an award from the National Endowment for the Arts. To find out more about how the NEA grants impact individuals and communities, visit www.arts.gov.