Podcast Ep 32: Eddie Huang Would Like A Word

Eddie Huang Would Like A Word
It’s our very first live show, Mash-Ups! And it features Rebecca and the very amazing Eddie Huang. Yes, that Eddie, founder of Baohaus restaurants; author of two books, Fresh Off The Boat and Double Cup Love; and host of Huang’s World on Vice. They talk authenticity, chopsticks, travel, and how to always love yourself.
This program was taped at Scripps College’s Garrison Theater as part of its public programming series, Scripps Presents. The series features conversations with some of today’s most lively and provocative thinkers whose work explores the intersection of contemporary humanities and popular culture.
Rebecca And Eddie Get Real

Eddie Huang On The Power Of Solidarity:
One chopstick, I break you easily. Two chopsticks, a little more effort, but I still break you. Three chopsticks, you’re unbreakable.
Eddie Huang Would Like A Word:
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This podcast is produced by American Public Media and Southern California Public Radio, KPCC. It is supported in part by an award from the National Endowment for the Arts. To find out more about how the NEA grants impact individuals and communities, visit www.arts.gov.