Podcast Ep 46: Summer Vacay Time!

The Mash-Up Americans: Summer Vacay Edition
We’re heading out on summer vacay — to prep for a new season and a new sound to come in the fall! But first, Amy + Rebecca spend some time flashing back to their favorite mashy interviews. Rhea! Lena! John! Hasan! Krista! It’s been quite a year, fam.
And we want to ask you: Who do you want us to interview? What would you like to see on our show next season? Tell us! We’re all ears. And in the meantime, find us on Facebook and Twitter. Happy August, y’all!
Remembering Some Of Our Faves …
Rhea Reminds Us: Now Is The Time
Lena On Being An Artist During The Time Of Trump
John: Not Half, But Double
Hasan Minhaj And The American Dream Tax
Krista On Why The Wisest People Are Always Smiling
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This podcast is produced by American Public Media and Southern California Public Radio, KPCC. It is supported in part by an award from the National Endowment for the Arts. To find out more about how the NEA grants impact individuals and communities, visit www.arts.gov.