Podcast Ep 51: What’s For San Giving?

What’s For San Giving?
What was on your Thanksgiving table? Was it also banchan next to instant mashed potatoes? Thanksgiving is often a way that Mash-Ups test out what being American tastes like to them. Amy and Rebecca talk with fellow Mash-Up and brilliant foodie Francis Lam of The Splendid Table and eavesdrop on tea with writer Nishta Mehra and her mom, Veena. We are grateful for you, fam!
Make sure to hang with Francis over at The Splendid Table on Thanksgiving also! He will be LIVE for all of your Thanksgiving needs; all your needs, really. Subscribe!
Francis Lam On Takeout And Turkey:
Nishta Mehra On “American” Food, With Indian People:

Hungry For More? Here Are Our Best Mash-Up Thanksgiving Recipes And Stories:
Nuria’s Turkey Adobado With Guava Glaze
Freya And Natasha’s Cornbread Sticky Rice Stuffing With Sausage And Sriracha
Margarita’s Jalapeno Cornbread Stuffing
Shannon’s Grandmother-In-law’s Cilantro Green Beans
Rebecca’s Viennese Apple Strudel
Padma’s Kumquat And Ginger Chutney
Listen to “What’s For San Giving?” and subscribe to our podcast on Apple Podcasts or on your favorite audio app like Stitcher or TuneIn. Or just keep coming right back here.
We’re in your ears, yo. Subscribe!