Podcast Ep 56: Time To Move On

Time To Move On
It’s that time of year. Time for New Year’s resolutions (or not), forgiveness, and moving ahead. 2017 has been a reckoning for all of us — an examination of who and what we fight for, and why. We’ve looked deeply at ourselves and sat in the uncomfortable acknowledgement that maybe we could have done more; and as we push the world to change, to do better and be better, we’re also pushing ourselves. But what’s the best way to do that? Joining Amy and Rebecca on the podcast today is Kristen Meinzer, host of the podcast By The Book. She’s a rad woman, a Korean-American Mash-Up, and an advice and self-help expert. She helps us tackle New Year’s resolutions and how best to make space for change in our own lives.
As the great Tom Petty (RIP) said, it’s time to move on. It’s time to get going. Cuz where life’s headed, we have no way of knowing.
What change do you hope to make in 2018? Write us and find us @mashupamerican on all the socials. No kidding, we do this all for you.
Kristen’s Recommendations For Books To Help You Make A Change (That Are Not Snake Oil)
America’s Cheapest Family Gets You Right on the Money
by Steve and Annette Economides

Listen to the By The Book episode: America’s Cheapest Family
Steve and Annette Economides love saving money, and they’ve raised their kids to love saving, as well. They spend zero dollars on the kids’ haircuts, they buy almost all their clothes second-hand, and they borrow when it makes more sense than buying. Some of their tactics are a little over-the-top (like grocery shopping only once per month, to cut down on opportunities to make impulse purchases) and some of their thinking leans in a conservative Christian heteronormative direction, but overall, their advice makes sense. What they’re essentially doing is twofold: first, they’re helping readers reframe our relationship with money so that saving is more fun than spending and second, they’re giving very concrete steps, each of which comes in three levels of difficulty, so even a money newbie can jump in.
by Jill Neimark and Stephen G. Post

Listen to the By The Book episode: Why Good Things Happen
Growing up, my Nanna stressed the importance of being kind to others, being charitable, and giving thanks. She did this, I’m sure, with the hopes of raising me to be a decent human being. But maybe it was more than that. She was the happiest person I knew, and these were the things she did everyday. Maybe her real motivation was to teach me how to be happy. If you were to ask Jill Neimark and Stephen G. Post, they’d likely say she was, deliberately or not. Their research shows a close link between good deeds, good health, and happiness, and their book lays out ten steps you can take to put good intentions into concrete actions that lead to increased happiness.
How To Write An Ebook In Less Than 7-14 Days
by Darren Ackers

Listen to the By The Book episode: How To Write An EBook
This book is filled with grammatical and spelling errors (for proof, see the title: what does “less than 7-14 days” even mean??), but being forced to live on a strict timeline can certainly help us finish tasks. After all, when we have all the time in the world, we often fail to make any time at all for what matters. This book gives readers that timeline. In my case, it led me to write two books in under 14 days, which is something I never imagined I would do.
Kristen’s Nonna’s Best Advice:

What change do you hope to make in 2018? Write us and find us @mashupamerican on all the socials. No kidding, we do this all for you.
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