Are Jews White? + Shaking Our Head at Jennifer Lawrence

The week of December 10, 2016 was taking a tiny tour of the White House; nope-ing our way through this article until we lost track of our nopes; and shaking our head at Jennifer Lawrence and the Hawaiian butt scratching scandal.
Mash-Ups in the News:
On one hand, Jews are one of the most successful, integrated minority groups in America and often benefit from white privilege. On the other hand, they remain an ethnic minority and face extraordinary persecution both here and abroad. What does it mean to sit in that unique position, and what, if any, responsibility comes with it?
via The Atlantic
NYC Promises To Destroy Information On Undocumented Immigrants
NYC gets props not only for offering a municipal ID program (the only way for many undocumented immigrants to get official identification) but also for pledging to dump and destroy the information of those who applied once Donald Trump is inaugurated, in an effort to keep undocumented immigrants safe from deportation. We <3 NY.
via Gothamist
2016: When America Celebrated The Black South
For decades, the number of Southern Black artists in mainstream culture could be counted on two hands (and that’s including in movies like “Gone With The Wind,” which had, uh, questionable representations of Black people). But in 2016 we are seeing a Southern Renaissance, with more Black Southern creators seeing mainstream success across all media. Get in formation, y’all.
via Buzzfeed
NBD, Just A Bunch Of Hot Asian Dudes
Is it hot in here? Oh no, that’s just “It’s Asian Men!” the “Magic Mike” parody that shows the side of Asian men we never get from Hollywood, i.e. THE SEXY SIDE. We are more than okay with this. Also, if you haven’t bought your 2017 calendar yet, you’re in luck.
via Codeswitch
There are 3.3 million Muslims in America and more than 2,000 mosques. So read this excellent 17-point primer on Islam, the religion that oh-so-many love to hate. Your second lesson: Subscribe to Good Muslim Bad Muslim, a podcast hosted by two hilarious female Muslim comics that makes us laugh and cry and think on the regular.
via Foreign Policy
Unerased: A Count of Trans Murders
Trans lives matter. This comprehensive study, tracking the murders of trans people over the past few years, tries to unpack why and how transgender lives are erased, and what we can do to stop the violence against them.
via Mic
Being The Internet’s Black Friend
Rather than research on their own, many well-meaning white liberals are throwing their hard post-election questions about race to prominent Black thinkers on social media, whose platform and accessibility often make them feel like “real” friends. It’s Demand Things From Your Pretend Black Friend Month! Pro tip: Don’t do this.
via Slate
Coolest thing we’ve seen this week: a clock that shows what food we search for on Google throughout the entire year. This month? Horseradish, peppermint, and hot chocolate. Yum.
via Google News Lab
The act of “playing yourself” is when you unconsciously work against your own self interest, like electing Donald Trump into presidency, or running for president when you’re Donald Trump. Congrats America, you played yourself.
via New Yorker
Australian Prison Company Gets Cash For Every Inmate Who Doesn’t Return
One Australian prison is getting paid hefty bonuses for every former inmate who doesn’t return behind bars, giving everyone a motivation for reducing recidivism rates. Good on ya, mates!
via Quartz