Mash-Up Round-Up: Best Education in the World

The week of September 6, 2014 was never sitting again and being grateful that Joan Rivers broke so many barriers for us.
Mash-Ups In The News:
What the Best Education Systems in the World are Doing Right
Co-founder Amy once again takes TED by storm looking at global education systems. Let’s just say some of us might rather go to school in Finland and ‘Murrica is super far behind.
via TED
Where are the Hardest Places to Live in the US
If you look at education, household income, unemployment, disability, life expectancy and obesity, the South is a hard ass place to live. In better news, living outside of Washington DC is fantastic!
via NY Times
What Happened to the Russian Hockey Stars who Lost to the US in 1980?
Well, it wasn’t good, but there’s a really compelling new documentary about it.
via Hollywood Reporter
The Political Views of US Religions in a Single Graph
What do a Buddhist, a Non-Orthodox Jew and a Quaker have in common? They’re like, “Do it to whomever you’d like! It’s not the government’s business!”
via io9
It’s Amazing How Much More You Earn When You Have a Penis
This interactive chart allows you to plug in your education level and see your lifetime earning potential. The takeaways: Study Science, Get a Masters and Be a Man!
via Fusion
Why I Just Can’t Become Chinese
A wonderful essay on the power of being a Mash-Up American. This Chinese-American writer tries to figure out how he might become a citizen of China, and realizes it’s just not possible. You can’t be American-Chinese, but you can be Chinese-American.
via Wall Street Journal
Afro-Chinese Marriages Boom in Guangzhou
Following up on that, all these Afro-Chinese marriages are happening in Guangzhou but they are afraid of being torn apart because the African men can’t become Chinese citizens.
via Post Magazine
On Instagram: Modest Fashion Goes Interfaith
A non-polarizing story from social media! Where might you see the intersection of devoutly religious Jews, Muslims and Christians? Why, on Instagram in accounts about being fashionable and modest, of course.
via Jewish Daily Forward