Mash-Up Round-Up: GASP! There are Jews in Brooklyn!

The week of October 4, 2014 was: feeling weird but not terrible about Pharrell’s new video; probably not getting a cattoo; and thinking of breaking fast with Seoul Sausage. As we close our days of awe, we hope you remember: You can always lean on us.
Mash-Ups In The News:
The Story Behind Manhattan’s Original Fine-Dining Chinese Restaurant
Wondering where the chicken lettuce wrap started? Look no further.
via NY Times
The Biggest Fan of America’s Pastime is Korean
A Korean fan of the Royals flies in from Seoul, brings them all the luck. They call it “Korean pixie dust.”
via NPR
If Tim Tebow Can Do It, So Can Husain Abdullah
The NFL is just killing it these days! But seriously, if Tebow can bow, Abdullah can prostrate.
via The Week
Brooklyn Cafe Owner is Aghast at Finding Jews in Brooklyn
Bummer, dude. No challah for you. Also, it’s New York.
via Brokelyn
Jeffrey Tambor May Transform How the World Views Transgender People
We’ve loved Jeffrey Tambor for many years but his role in the amazingTransparent will rearrange your mind and heart.
via Jeffrey Tambor
Roxane Gay Joins The Toast to Launch The Butter
She will feature women writers of color and she is awesome. This perspective might be good for changing how, say, people at the New York Times say idiotic things to women of color.
via The Toast
Breaking News: There Are Asians in Flushing, Queens
Speaking of, The New York Times made a discovery about its very own city, and it wants to share it with the world.
via NY Times
Saving Languages Through Korean Dramas and Mel Gibson
From the article: “A Korean series about an alien who falls in love with an actress is one of the most-watched shows in Hebrew and Arabic. Spanish speakers can’t get enough of a Thai drama about a maid who winds up working for a mafioso in Hong Kong. Japanese shows are most commonly watched in Lithuanian.” Well, duh.
via The Atlantic
Mindy Kaling Gets Enthusiastic on Sesame Street
Sesame Street is on a roll, you guys. And Mindy Kaling brings it.
via NY Mag
Quiz: How Well Do You Speak English?
Take this real quiz for English language learners and good luck with that. (WTF)
via NPR
Effing Mexicans! Those Asians!
Perfect. Just watch it.
via Key & Peele