Mash-Up Round-Up: Orthodox Jewish Sex Guru Prescribes Vibrator

The week of January 24, 2015 was: never swimming in the ocean again; mourning King Tut’s broken beard; saying farewell to Motley Crue. Don’t go away mad, dudes. RIP Skymall! We never bought that ottoman/shoe organizer/pen holder we dreamt of.
Mash-Ups in the News:
Orthodox Jewish Sex Guru Helps Haredi Find Pleasure
She helped a mother of three find her clitoris for the first time, but only with the rabbi’s permission.
via NY Times
Dapwell Finds Heaven in the Snack Aisle of a Suburban Japanese Grocery
We love “ethnic” grocery stores. Sake from vending machines? Hell yes. Additionally: Some insights into why Japanese mayo is the best.
via VICE
Miss Lebanon and Miss Israel Want to Be Friends. The World Does Not
Miss Israel and Miss Lebanon took a selfie together. This was not an act of political defiance. Just two girls taking a photo. Everyone went apeshit.
via NY Mag
He Might Have Been An LA Gang Kingpin, But He Always Celebrated Shabbat
Moishe “The Religious” lived in walking distance of his synagogue, but wouldn’t flinch at literally stabbing someone in the back.This is like real life Sopranos, but in the Valley with Israelis.
via LA Weekly
You want to go to Beverly Hills? We got that in Beijing. Same with Palm Springs. There’s a whole California industry because it’s “romantic, idyllic and chic.”
via LA Times
From the Archives: Louis CK is an Accidental White Person
“Yeah, because race doesn’t mean what it used to in America anymore. It just doesn’t. Obama’s black, but he’s not black the way people used to define that. Is black your experience or the color of your skin? My experience is as a Mexican immigrant, more so than someone like George Lopez: He’s from California. But he’ll be treated as an immigrant. I am an outsider. My abuelita, my grandmother, didn’t speak English. My whole family on my dad’s side is in Mexico. I won’t ever be called that or treated that way, but it was my experience.”
via Rolling Stone
The Most Entrepreneurial Americans Are Immigrants
via Inc
The Times Is On It: Kimchi Edition
The Times has ‘discovered’ kimchi, the staple of the Korean diet for 2000 years. It’s healthy! It’s delicious! It has many variations! Where are they on kimchi fridges, tho?
via NY Times
A Chinese Grandparent’s Dream: Living at Yale
There’s an enclave of expat grandparents in New Haven taking care of the kids of their Yale grad student/professor children. We love this.
via Yale Alumni
How Middle-Class Black Kids Become Poor Black Adults
Explanations vary but one interesting idea is that geographic segregation, and the effects that has on types of schools available, later hinders professional attainment.
via The Atlantic
Larry Wilmore, The Daily Show’s Black Correspondent, is taking on Bill Cosby and, you know, America, in this new show. It’s absolutely refreshing to hear his voice.
via VOX