Mash-Up Round-Up: A Quarter of Americans Want to Secede.

The week of September 20, 2014 was: Vice Presidents with octopuses (octopii?) on their heads, wishing we were also roomies with Connie and Kirsten, and wondering if we can roll our eyes any harder at Miley Cyrus and her misappropriation games.[/highlight]
[highlight]Also, we launched our new website! Watch our about video to learn a little more about what we are up to.
Mash-Ups In The News:
Is Iggy Azalea “Real”? Was Tupac? Great thinking about authenticity and hip hop.
via The New Yorker\
Joe Biden Called Asia “The Orient”
Cool job Joe. Apparently he used the term “Shylocked” earlier in the day. It’s just language, right? We love you, tho.
via Buzzfeed
The New York Times Gets it Way Wrong on Shonda Rhimes
The NYT said Shonda owns Thursday nights…but because she’s an angry black woman. Slate rips them a new one.
via Slate
An Enduring Mystery: What Coffee is Served at the White House
Breaking News: President Obama may or may not drink Kona coffee. We prefer the Moloka’i Muleskinner from Hanalei Tea Company, ourselves. We’re thinking of starting a petition to get more transparency around this critical issue.
via Boston Globe
Long Read: We choose our Tinder dates based on race and class, except we won’t ever admit that.
via Buzzfeed
Lupita Nyong’o Goes on Sesame Street and it’s Perfect
She talks with Elmo about how special it is to have different skin colors. That’s just the mashiest.
via Sesame Street
24% of Americans Would Like to Not be Part of America
You want to secede? Just a little part of us thinks “good riddance” when we read this.
via Reuters
NBC has the Most Latino Talent. CBS? Meh.
A big study came out from the Latino Media Council on Latinos in entertainment, in front and behind the camera. No es bueno.
via Latino Rebels
Comics About Banchan will Make You Hungry
Recipe comics guys! How nerdy and awesome is this! Banchan are the little side dishes of delicious that come with Korean food.
via Angry Asian Man