Mash-Up Round-Up: Tacos at Every Mosque

The week of June 10,2017 was developing a complex about food fraud; feeling REAL good about this year’s NASA astronaut class; and experiments in kimchi powder. Ready for the world’s best onion dip? Also, quit snuggling with your chicken. She’ll give you salmonella.
Oh hey. We were profiled in Forbes this week!
Mash-Ups in the News:
Environmental Racism Is The New Jim Crow
The environment isn’t people, but the decisions about how and where we take risks with it are made by people. Unsurprisingly, pollution and neglect disproportionately affect communities of color. To quote our friend, the brilliant Rhea Suh:
“The intersections between social justice, equity, environmental justice and general environmental issues are becoming more and more clear. Unfortunately, there are more and more examples of where we are basically depriving people of basic human rights because of our inability to either maintain or enforce the laws that are on the books.”
via Atlantic
Muslims And Latinos Break Fast During Ramadan With Tacos At Mosques
Our hearts are so full, and so are our bellies. Taco trucks at every mosque! They won’t be serving al pastor, but a group has organized taco trucks to come to mosques for iftar during Ramadan this year. Nothing better to break the fast each night than with tacos and compadres. Also, Muslim women can finally wear nail polish! Hey businesses: We got money. We wanna spend it.
via Los Angeles Times
The Uniquely Indonesian Pain Of Having Only One Name
We talk a lot about names in Mash-Up America. Pronouncing them, choosing them…all of it. But what if you just have one name? This article is a fascinating history of immigration (China→ Indonesia), assimilation, and constantly having to tell people your name is justAlice. Or as the government sometimes calls you “First Name Unknown Alice.”
via VICE
Success Is Part Of My South Side Story
Andrea Bossi is our future and thank god. Andrea is headed to Harvard this fall, soon to become BFFs with Malia Obama and Yara Shahidi. She’s the first graduate of her high school to go to Harvard and she grew up on the South Side of Chicago. In this essay, this incredibly astute Black-Latina Mash-Up 17-year-old (!) calls out reporters who are writing that she is succeeding despite her community, as opposed to because of it. It reminds us of the critical concept of deficit framing that Soledad O’Brien schooled us on.
via Chicago Magazine
The Enduring Legacy Of “The Joy Luck Club”
The Joy Luck Club remains the only American film featuring all Asian-American actresses at the heart of a story centering the Asian-American experience (we can’t wait for you, Crazy Rich Asians). But it almost didn’t get made. Thank god it did, because for so many of us, The Joy Luck Club was the first — and remains the only — time we’ve seen ourselves reflected on the movie screen. Remember: Worst quality crab. Best quality heart.
via Buzzfeed
There is an HIV crisis that is slamming the gay Black community, particularly in the South. The crisis, deeply connected with the stigma of being gay in the South, is such that the CDC predicts that if current trends continue “one in two African-American gay and bisexual men will be infected with the virus. That compares with a lifetime risk of one in 99 for all Americans and one in 11 for white gay and bisexual men.”
via New York Times
The Complicated Truth About The Perfect Vagina
OMG. Just read this! Women are getting labiaplasty and part of us is so upset that there is another way we are supposed to feel bad about our bodies but then the other part is like holy crap women’s bodies go through a lot (see: childbirth).
via Refinery 29
North Korean Defectors Open Ethnic Restaurants — In South Korea
It may not be a big peninsula, but there are many regional differences. Not a monolith guys! Female defectors from North Korea are opening restaurants with North Korean specialties and providing jobs for other North Korean refugees at the same time. It’s not without controversy…
via Korea Expose
Coming Out Again, And Again, And Again To Your Asian Parents
Is it a language barrier? Cultural barrier? Purposeful? All of the above? Kathy Tu, the Taiwanese-American host of the podcast Nancy, had to come out to her mother over and over and finally employed Google Translate to make sure there was absolutely no confusion.
via Kitsch Mix