Mash-Up Round Up: Male Squirrels Are Lazy + Racist Dictionary

The week of October 8, 2016 was finding out squirrels are just like humans; swooning over Common in the White House; and feeling super validated in our love of watching animal videos on the internet while eating tubs of Ben & Jerry’s.
Also, we bow down to The Daily Show this week. Roy Wood Jr. and Ronny Chieng are national treasures.
Mash-Ups in the News:
Luke Cage: The Most Important Thing That Marvel Has Ever Done
Marvel’s newest superhero series, Luke Cage, features a Black man wearing a hoodie, saving Harlem from the bad guys. “The world is ready for a bulletproof Black man,” says showrunner Cheo Coker. We could not agree more. Also, every Luke Cage episode is named for a Gang Starr song.
via Vanity Fair
What Chinese “Chabuduo” Reveals About Modernity
We’ve all had our moments of chabuduo, the Chinese word for shrugging and saying “oh well, close enough.” But does chabuduo reflect a casual, potentially dangerous dismissal of small problems, or a brilliant, lifesaving philosophy in response to life under Mao? Quien sabe? Related: You know that little problem you have of buying books then never reading them? It’s called tsundoku.
via Aeon
The Best Desserts From Around The World
Yi bua! Baklava! Leche Asada! We’ll cut out processed sugar tomorrow.
via Saveur
Racists Have A Code On Social Media
In their attempt to avoid “censorship,” aka getting kicked off platforms like Twitter for hate speech and abuse, racists have come up with a dictionary of terms for Muslims, Jews, Blacks, and other minority groups to use online. America granted us the right to free speech; shame it didn’t also grant us some manners.
via Buzzfeed
The Art Of The Ink, Japan Edition
What does it mean to permanently change your body? Is it high art? Is it heresy? In Japan, is it some combination of them both. A fascinating look at how body modification can come to represent class, crime, and culture.
via Roads + Kingdoms
Photos: A Look At Millennial Bedrooms Worldwide
Ever wonder what Millennials surround themselves with, in their most sacred space? Short list: Guns in Dallas; shoes in Kigali; and soccer jerseys in Riyadh. Enjoy this incredible glimpse at global youth culture.
via Quartz
Podcasting From Prison: Stories From San Quentin
Every story deserves to be told, and podcasting is arguably the medium of the future, by which the most ignored voices will be heard and amplified. Enter “Ear Hustle,” a podcast from two long-term inmates at San Quentin State Prison in San Quentin, Calif., which has beat more than 1,500 other shows for a shot to be distributed by one of the most popular producers in the country.
via California Sunday Magazine