Mash-Up Round-Up: Chicken Sandwich Wars + “Lie Flat” Revolution

The week of June 12, 2021 was giving John Oliver + his team their flowers; evaluating our showering plan; and eating the rich. Delicious! |
Mash-Ups In The News
Vaccination Is Making America Forget A Basic Pandemic Rule
Individualism versus collectivism, independence versus interdependence, “me first” versus “we first.” The Vaccine Era has made pandemic response a matter of personal choice, and that’s not good. Especially when anti-vax influencers are cashing in millions.
via The Atlantic
The Cost Of Being An ‘Interchangeable Asian’
You gave a great presentation at work? Your other Asian coworker gets congratulated the next day. As Asian Americans get left out of leadership roles, one cause might be too simple: being confused for someone else.
via NY Times
Burger King To donate To LGBTQ Group For Every Chicken Sandwich Sold
The chicken sandwich war continues. Eat up at BK and forget all about that other place.
via USA Today
The Real Zola Is Ready To Make Her Story Her Own Again
If you were on Twitter in 2015, you were lucky enough to experience the greatest saga ever tweeted. The Zola movie is finally here, and The Real Zola is back to make her story her’s again.
via Vulture
Pandemic Pet Abandonment Soars At The ‘Island Of The Cats’
Over the past year, throughout the pandemic, the number of cats on Ilha Furtada (Ilha dos Gatos) had grown by the hundreds. And no one knows what to do about it.
via Washington Post
Disenchanted Chinese Youth Join A Mass Movement To ‘Lie Flat’
Some Chinese youths are rejecting the idea of a 9-9-6 working life (9am to 9pm, six days a week) opting to “lie flat” instead. This is the modern millennial revolution.
via Insider
Unloved By Generations Of Soldiers, The M.R.E. Finds A Fan Base
Meal, Ready-to-Eat, or M.R.E. (also known as “Meals, Rejected by Everyone” and “Meals, Rarely Edible”) are pouches of shelf-stable military rations. Now, TikTok taste testers and modern survivalists are giving them a new life.
via NY Times
Why Are People Still Getting Married On Plantations?
They don’t know the history, they don’t care about the history, or a combo of the two? Why do people choose sites of violence, pain, and slavery for the happiest day of their life?
via Buzzfeed News
Pulse Wasn’t Just Another Nightclub
“It’s a home. It’s a family. It really is a place for us to connect and feel safe…I couldn’t tell you how many stories I’ve seen of people who have walked through the doors at their first gay bar they’ve ever been to and really felt welcomed.”
via The Atlantic
How The US Lets Hot School Days Sabotage Learning
More heat = less brain blood flow = reduced brain function. See how your school district is affected by the heat, and how many days of learning are lost each year.
via The Guardian