Mash-Up Round-Up: Hasids Using What’s App & What You Mean by Hello

The week of February 21, 2014 was: Hasids pretending What’s App isn’t technology, Japanese travel tips for America, Armenian Hip hop…you know all the good things. Oh and check out our interview preview with legendary turntablist Rob Swift.
Mash-Ups In The News:
What’s App Got Bought for $16 Billion, also Hasids use it Big Time.
Ok if you have family outside the US you are not even a little bit surprised about the value of What’s App. Our uncle in El Salvador and his three daughters in the States are in constant contact through that (+ Skype and Facetime) but the fact the Hasids use it as a glorified walkie talkie system is just perfect.
via TLDR
Hollywood is Very White, LA Not So Much
Latinos make up half of LA’s population, whites make up less than 25%….so what’s up with how we see (or don’t see) minorities in film and TV? None of this is terribly surprising but here’s a new study by the UCLA team who looks at minorities in media.
via LA Weekly
Aubrey Plaza Talks About not Feeling Puerto Rican Enough.
The Parks and Rec Star is half Boricua, here she talks about her insecurities about claiming her Puerto Rican-ness because people don’t see her that way and because she’s only half.
via Latina Magazine
10 Japanese Travel Tips for Visiting America
This post went viral this week. Culled from google translated Japanese travel tips, gems include: American traffic patterns are very orderly, american food is bland and terrible, vending machines are shit, and women have horse laughs. ENJOY!
via Mental Floss
What We Mean When We Say Hello
A variation on the “Where you from?” conversation and Mash-Up conundrum, this totally fascinating piece in the Atlantic is about the regional differences between what you say when you meet people. In South Carolina they ask where you go to church (super awkward for non-Christians…).
via The Atlantic
Korean Families Reunited for first time since War
We dare you not to cry.
via NPR
NPR’s Hip Hop Blog and Podcast ’Microphone Check’
Debbie Allen and Phylicia Rashad are Sisters